Social Media

We provide social media consultancy in order to make your name famous among your target group. 

Social Media

We provide social media consultancy in order to make your name famous among your target group. 

Social media consultancy can be described as providing products and professional solutions about the representation of persons, companies or corporations on social media networks, one of the innovations offered by 2000s. Social media websites like Facebook and MySpace has been continuously incorporating millions of new users. As a result, the need for representing companies and corporations in this area has increased. As Lonra, we are pleased to state that we have a professional team and the infrastructure to make corporations and companies represented in social media world in the best way.

Within the scope of social media consultancy, many sub services are offered to companies and corporations. A project is created by defining the strategy, planning and target group. The current situation is evaluated with social media analysis. Later, the issue of social media accounts management is completed and your target group is analysed in detail. In the light of the data obtained, strategic planning is performed about your social media accounts. When needed, some by-products are produced.

As Lonra, we give reports to all companies and corporations we have given social media consultancy regarding what we have done. As a result of these data known as social media reporting, we can concretise our accomplishments and thus you can have detailed information about us and our services.

With our digital reputation management we can make situation assessment regarding the aim in question by making detailed research about companies, corporations or persons in the digital world.

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